The Link between Your Air Conditioner and Your Cough

old man coughing

To get straight to the point: Your air conditioner could be causing a dry cough. Nowadays, we see that people have become more conscious of their health. Feeling slightly under the weather should never once again be taken lightly. Meanwhile, a little cough may be something more severe.

However, before you let panic set it, know that experiencing periodic and seasonal colds and coughs may simply be due to the environment you are in or the sudden changes in weather. Other times, it could be your air conditioner.

Read on to learn more about the link between your air conditioner and your cough. 

Being on Constant “High Alert”

Indeed, going outdoors to run errands, shop, and buy groceries may feel like a covert mission, especially when everyone is on high alert. At the same time, seasonal allergies make such travel more difficult. Going out with a dry cough caused by allergies may draw unwanted looks and comments. Everyone is afraid of becoming sick and infecting their family with any type of disease.

Patients suffering from seasonal allergies may take every care to protect themselves and others, yet coughing in public makes them a target. Indoor air quality is typically poor, which is also why people have invested in things like air purifiers and dehumidifiers.

Understanding Cold Air and Coughing

In the spring, allergies and asthma induce a dry cough. Coughing usually is caused by mold, pet dander, dust, pollen, and other irritants. It is caused by allergens irritating the airways. Few children listened to their parents’ warnings not to go outside because they would catch a cold.

Although cold, dry air does not cause illness, it can aggravate asthma and allergy symptoms by causing a dry cough.

Spring is allergy season when the weather warms and people spend more time outside. Furthermore, this is when individuals use air conditioning. Although, it is worth noting that inhaling a lot of air-conditioner breeze can cause a dry cough by constricting the airways.

The Temperature of Your Home

Maintain a temperature in your home between 72 and 74 degrees Fahrenheit to keep wind gusts from narrowing your airways.

This will keep your home from becoming too hot when the temperature rises and will keep your home at a healthy level of humidity, preventing your neck from drying out.

Consistent temperatures can also help to reduce energy expenses. Less runtime means fewer air contaminants and warmer temperatures for the lungs and respiratory system.

Using a Humidifier

As previously stated, indoor humidity can either relieve or aggravate a dry cough. Humidity is used to measure air humidity. Indoor relative humidity levels should be between 50% and 55%.

Humidifiers provide moisture to the air, making it easier to breathe. Dirty humidifiers can cause health problems, so clean yours on a regular basis.

Cleaning your humidifier removes allergen-causing dust and mold. People who are afraid to go to the grocery store because they have a dry cough are having difficulty.

If this is the case, turn down your air conditioning to avoid wind gusts and invest in a humidifier to bring moisture to the air. Improve your allergy symptoms so you can go outside again.


More than achieving the comfort that air conditioners can give us, we should be mindful of how air quality can affect our overall breathing. Remember, air quality should be prioritized and comfort will follow. Simply keep this information in mind and share it with your friends and family.

Are you looking for air conditioning service? Mainline Heating and Air is Alabaster’s esteemed company of professionals. Give us a call today and learn more about our team and services!

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